More Damning Facts About Human Made Climate Change

NASA’s article begins down below:

Most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human expansion of the “greenhouse effect”1 — warming that results when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space.

On Earth, human activities are changing the natural greenhouse. Over the last century the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil has increased the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). This happens because the coal or oil burning process combines carbon with oxygen in the air to make CO2. To a lesser extent, the clearing of land for agriculture, industry, and other human activities has increased concentrations of greenhouse gases.

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Climate Change Reality

In case you didn’t already know NASA does more than just launch fancy rockets and satellites into space. They’re also big into monitoring meteorology all around the globe. They’ve been on record many times saying that climate change is very real and has been ongoing for the last 136 years. Scientists have also been on record saying there’s an over 90% chance it’s being exacerbated by humans (i.e. fossil fuel consumption) and will have disastrous results if things keeps going the same trajectory.



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Supermoon – Space Probe Style!

Many people myself included went out to watch the supermoon. It’s dubbed this because not only of its larger size on the far horizon, but the moon is closer than it’s been since January 26th, 1948. Unfortunately I went outside a little too late, also I didn’t have the proper camera lens to get a good shot of it anyway.


After heading back home I went on youtube and found an old video stream of the Japanese Selene probe orbiting the moon. At first I thought it was a 3D animation because the stream quality was so vibrant and rich looking. It is in fact real probe footage though its been edited and looped. I found watching this to be far more satisfying and the background music really added a dreamy vibe to it. Enjoy!



3rd Party Voters Are Not To Blame For Trump Getting Elected


Even if Jill Stein or Gary Johnson came close to “spoiling” the election for Trump or Hillary it’s ludicrous to blame someone for voting who they think is the most qualified. Frankly, it’s victim blaming to scold disenfranchised voters for refusing to back candidates who are part of the problem.

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3rd Party Candidates Did Well This Year

Lately on social media I’ve read a lot of people express big disappointment with the 2 party system. I had a feeling voter turnout for 3rd parties would be higher in this election cycle as compared to others in recent years. So far both Gary Johnson and Jill Stein of the Green party have grabbed roughly about 5% of the vote. Additionally, that number could rise higher since a few states are still counting ballots. While that percentage is not near enough to obtain electoral votes, the norm for 3rd party candidates is usually less than 1%.


I’ve have an interesting article copied down below that echoes and elaborates on some of the things I wrote about in my last blog.

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Hillary’s strong lead is now wavering

Even The Young Turks who has been nothing but a cheerleader for Hillary since her nomination is beginning to have doubts. Not only are the “Deplorables” in social media questioning Clinton’s “strong” poll numbers but many of the BernieOrBust crowd who are now backing Jill Stein are also saying she’s at big risk of losing to Trump. I think that says a lot since they don’t really like either of these 2 big candidates.

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