Donating Free Rice

No joke the website is called and all you do is play a word puzzle on their front page. For every answer you get right, 10 grains of rice is donated. They are working with the World Food Program to help end hunger in various regions across the globe. It is free to use and all it cost is some of your free time đŸ™‚


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enhancing macaroni

I’m nowhere near as good at cooking as I’d like to be but I do have a personal “recipe” of sorts. This of course isn’t a serious dish but it’s a great thing to do when you’re coming home from a long day.


Here’s what you need:

1. box of macaroni

2. jar of Salsa con Queso (whatever brand you prefer)

3. Peppercorns with grinder (not ground pepper)


After you’ve cooked the macaroni, instead of using that crappy powered cheese that came in the box. Use the salsa con queso instead, grind your peppercorns and bam you’re done!