Democratic Primary & Possible Fraud

Not long after the conclusion of the 2016  Democratic primary , some volunteers and statisticians got together to investigate the election results. The group is called Election Justice USA and they came up with some rather interesting statistics.

If you read the PDF linked below you can tell there’s a big difference between poll numbers and the vote count on the Democrat side. In fact, in some states the polls vs vote count was way beyond the margin of error and this implies voter fraud may have taken place.

Continue reading Democratic Primary & Possible Fraud

Flying Cars Now Closer To Reality?

Here are some embeds of various flying car concepts over the years and some of which are very recent.


#1 One of the 1st flying cars ever created and has been around for years. It isn’t all that impressive and is a piece of junk compared to the concepts underneath.



#2 This one is obviously far more plane than car but clearly shows flying cars can be obtainable. Interesting note is that it runs on gas and not jet fuel!



#3 This one is similar to embed number 2.

Continue reading Flying Cars Now Closer To Reality?

The Worst Mice Infestation In Recorded History


Australian mice plague that occurred in 1993. This was way too fascinating (and creepy) not to share. This infestation got so bad it literally put the nation’s food supply at risk! Straight out of a horror movie, especially the part where they were so hungry and eating the pigs alive.

Super Tuesday 2016

Even though all the votes are not counted they still show that Trump (not surprisingly) won in most of the states. The polls has repeatedly showed that Ted Cruz would get Texas. That wasn’t surprising since candidates tend to get at least their home state.

What completely surprised me though was that Bernie Sanders won Oklahoma as ppl kept saying Hillary was in the lead.

Super Tuesday is the ultimate test to see who will likely get nominated. I think it’s pretty safe to say that this coming November it’ll ultimately be between Trump and Hillary (god damn it)…..

I will seriously consider voting 3rd party this year since I don’t think neither has what it takes to fix shit….

DoD document on U.S. supporting ISIS 3 years ago

Just something to think about whenever ISIS finally does attack U.S. soil. Rather than try to do something about it early on, the U.S. doused gasoline on the flames, thus spilling over into Iraq and now you got ISIS chapters growing in Egypt, Libya, Lebanon, Yemen, Nigeria and Afghanistan.

Plus, there’s a major humanitarian crisis of refugees flooding into Europe. Thanks to the Paris attacks, people living there are now paranoid about all those refugees being undercover ISIS fighters. Yea people fleeing from those who wanna kill them, and then turn around to kill the ppl willing to give them sanctuary?! Yea that makes lots of sense….

Continue reading DoD document on U.S. supporting ISIS 3 years ago

Uhh… craigslist sellers

“I turned down a few people already”

I can’t stand craigslist sellers who steadfastly refuse to sell to out-of-state buyers. Especially when it is painstakingly obvious that the item in question has been listed for weeks and they aren’t getting any local pickups. If that happens perhaps u ought to change your strategy and give distant buyers more consideration? To outright reject ppl like that is fucking stupid, especially when offering to cover ALL shipping charges.

I found an extremely good deal, haven’t been able to find anywhere else and pretty frustrating when you’ve been searching around for days.

I really wish sellers like this would just go away. All they’re doing is wasting they’re time and everyone elses. I sell a lot on craiglist and I’d say about a third of all my buyers are out-of-state.