September 11th: The only theory that MIGHT have some reality

I just want to state from the get-go that I have NEVER been real big into conspiracy theories concerning 9/11. I think about 98% of them are batshit insane.

After thinking it over for 22 years, this is the ONLY conspiracy theory that I think might have a smidgen of truth to it. And even then I’m not a huge proponent of this one. Likely everyone dropped the ball, but anyways here we go!!!

There’s quite a bit of evidence to suggest that Al-Qaeda sent these 19 people to flight schools and to carry out these suicide missions.

“Well it sounds like you’re in full agreement with the government narrative then. What the hell kind of conspiracy theory is this??!!!”

This conspiracy theory doesn’t reside with what the government is alleged to have done. This one lies with what the government DID NOT do on September 11th…

The highest officials in the U.S. Government (including Bush Jr.) were warned repeatedly about these Al-Qaeda terrorists. The CIA knew about them and the FBI had them on a watch list. And if memory serves me correctly a number of foreign intelligence agencies from Germany, UK and Israel warned us about them too. Bush received a memo on his desk about a month before the attacks warning him Osama Bin Laden was planning something big and even hijackings were mentioned.

Those 19 hijackers were on a lot of people’s radar and yet nothing was done to stop them.


So instead of doing this:

They Decided To Do This:

What Were the Repercussions After 9/11?

  • Invasion of Afghanistan
  • Invasion of Iraq
  • Erosion of Habeas Corpus
  • Patriot Act
  • Warrantless wire-tapping
  • Gen. Wesley Clark’s 7 countries video
  • etc, etc

And those are things that I can recall just off the top of my head. The list is more extensive than that…

Bush Jr. already had Saddam Hussein in his crosshairs before he was even elected. We likely would have invaded Iraq regardless, but to invade Afghanistan in a world where September 11th was actually prevented? That would have been a very hard sell to the American people. As with everything else listed above

It’s kinda like with a business owner who owns a number of buildings. One of those buildings is vacant and is structurally in bad shape. Lightning strikes it late one night and catches on fire. What would be easier? To immediately call the Fire Dept. to save the building which was already derelict? Or to let it burn to the ground, then cash-in on that insurance policy and build a brand new one?

The reality is that 9/11 put the progression of American empire into high gear. What’s also a fact is the United States is seemingly determined to rule every square inch of this planet. Where there is no ceiling in billions of dollars spent and lives extinguished in endless wars. Unfortunately that also includes staging coups and using puppet regimes to threaten other nuclear powers. That alone is not a crazy conspiracy theory, that is a simple statement of fact.

So yes… the thought that some of the highest people in power deciding to do nothing and to just let things happen doesn’t sound too terribly crazy to me. Especially given the fact that there’s no limits nor red lines with these people.

This is the only theory I think has a chance of being based on some reality. It’s a lot more plausible then the controlled demolition theory.


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