Seeing the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse

I traveled to Beatrice, Nebraska to see a total solar eclipse on August 21st, 2017. It was difficult to film due to mother nature being difficult. Fortunately the clouds cleared a bit and stopped drowning out the moon’s silhouette.

Originally, I was going to see this in Pawnee City, Nebraska but they looked even worse on weather radar so I decided to stay put. I was gonna film this at a parking lot in Beatrice however when the eclipse was about 20 minutes away another small storm cloud formed right west of us. It appeared as if the storm cloud would be right on top of us during eclipse time. Judging by the looks on ppl’s faces, everyone had the exact same thought. So basically half the crowd (me included) decided to drive a few miles south, barely missing the storm. This is the first total solar eclipse in the United States in almost a 100 years and something I’ve always wanted to witness.

Continue reading Seeing the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse

Supermoon – Space Probe Style!

Many people myself included went out to watch the supermoon. It’s dubbed this because not only of itsĀ larger size on the far horizon, but the moon is closer than it’s been since January 26th, 1948. Unfortunately I went outside a little too late, also I didn’t have the proper camera lens to get a good shot of it anyway.


After heading back home I went on youtube and found an old video stream of the Japanese Selene probe orbiting the moon. At first I thought it was a 3D animation because the stream quality was so vibrant and rich looking. It is in fact real probe footage though its been edited and looped. I found watching this to beĀ far more satisfying and the background music really added a dreamy vibe to it. Enjoy!

