Seeing the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse

I traveled to Beatrice, Nebraska to see a total solar eclipse on August 21st, 2017. It was difficult to film due to mother nature being difficult. Fortunately the clouds cleared a bit and stopped drowning out the moon’s silhouette.

Originally, I was going to see this in Pawnee City, Nebraska but they looked even worse on weather radar so I decided to stay put. I was gonna film this at a parking lot in Beatrice however when the eclipse was about 20 minutes away another small storm cloud formed right west of us. It appeared as if the storm cloud would be right on top of us during eclipse time. Judging by the looks on ppl’s faces, everyone had the exact same thought. So basically half the crowd (me included) decided to drive a few miles south, barely missing the storm. This is the first total solar eclipse in the United States in almost a 100 years and something I’ve always wanted to witness.

Continue reading Seeing the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse

Historical Events Captured on Photo

This slideshow video on history is not something I usually do but it’s something I’ve been wanting to put together for sometime. Some of the earliest pictures ever made are fascinating such as the last survivors of the American Revolution for example. Before doing this, I didn’t know any of them lived long enough for the camera to be invented and to have their pics taken.

There are lots more interesting pictures out that I was unable to include due to the background music only lasting about 3 minutes. I might possibly feature the other pics and create a ‘part 2’ video sometime in the future.

This was difficult to put together because the size ratio of early 19th century photos was way different than the standard widescreen format videos we have today. After doing some tinkering around in Photoshop I was able to get them to look reasonably nice in the video. I also remove some watermarks and timestamps in some of the photos as well. As I was removing a couple of these watermarks I was starting to get a bit upset. Think about it some of these pics are almost 200 years old and people are claiming ownership in something that clearly isn’t theirs…

Continue reading Historical Events Captured on Photo

Minecraft – Zombie Pigmen Mob Farm

My close friends have known this video has been in the making for a while now and finally found the time to finish it. This mob farm was built by one of the players on my private Minecraft server. After my friend showed me his creation I easily envisioned how this could make an epic music video. I was forced to downgrade my server back to 1.8.9 cuz those XP points weren’t glitching thru the glass blocks as well on the newer versions. In short this was probably one of the biggest projects I’ve done as it took about 3 weeks to make.

Really wished I had more time to do music videos as I’ve made a few in the past. Depending on the project you’re doing they can be very time consuming but yet very rewarding upon completion. I enjoy doing these and I’m a lot better at it then lets say traditional art such as drawing.


Supermoon – Space Probe Style!

Many people myself included went out to watch the supermoon. It’s dubbed this because not only of its larger size on the far horizon, but the moon is closer than it’s been since January 26th, 1948. Unfortunately I went outside a little too late, also I didn’t have the proper camera lens to get a good shot of it anyway.


After heading back home I went on youtube and found an old video stream of the Japanese Selene probe orbiting the moon. At first I thought it was a 3D animation because the stream quality was so vibrant and rich looking. It is in fact real probe footage though its been edited and looped. I found watching this to be far more satisfying and the background music really added a dreamy vibe to it. Enjoy!



Nuclear Waste In Neighborhood

Well… this is something you don’t see everyday. The convoy of trucks hauling this nuclear waste was halted long enough to get a good video recording of it.


Continue reading Nuclear Waste In Neighborhood

Flying Cars Now Closer To Reality?

Here are some embeds of various flying car concepts over the years and some of which are very recent.


#1 One of the 1st flying cars ever created and has been around for years. It isn’t all that impressive and is a piece of junk compared to the concepts underneath.



#2 This one is obviously far more plane than car but clearly shows flying cars can be obtainable. Interesting note is that it runs on gas and not jet fuel!



#3 This one is similar to embed number 2.

Continue reading Flying Cars Now Closer To Reality?

The Worst Mice Infestation In Recorded History


Australian mice plague that occurred in 1993. This was way too fascinating (and creepy) not to share. This infestation got so bad it literally put the nation’s food supply at risk! Straight out of a horror movie, especially the part where they were so hungry and eating the pigs alive.